OWN OCTOBER- It's not what I thought

My initial impression that I had going into Own October was that every morning at 7:30 am I would wake up feeling refreshed and motivated. I would then go on a 45 min run, as soon as I would get back I would immediately drink 1L of water and eat a light fruit salad for breakfast blah de blah, by the end of October I would have no belly fat, I would be completely toned and summer ready, with no insecurities at all.

That is the complete opposite to how it has gone. Which sucks to be honest. I have been for one run, I've done a total of approx. 60 sit-ups. To be completely frank I haven't even felt super happy. Emotions are something I will leave for another blog post.

But in my dull, sadness about the way Own October has gone so far. I will end this on the positive note that we're are only 5 days into October and I've still got 26 days to go. I'm going to try my best to make those 26 days count. No promises though.

Sorry about the bleak post,
See you tomorrow.

Love Georgia :) xx
Gorgeous sunset from a while back
For all you nosy ones..
Breakfast- Pineapple, Pear, Banana
Lunch- Leftover Sweet and sour noodles, 2 pieces of bread (w/margarine)
Dinner- Spinach, pumpkin, ricotta and lasagna sheets

Exercise- NONE!! 


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Hey I'm Georgia, This is literally the place where everything that lives in the land inside my head turns into words, for you, in turn to read. Weird right! (is that how you spell weird or is it wierd, who knows. To be honest who gives a fuck right)